Instagram in the US and Asia: a promotional tool for electronic cigarettes among young teens

Instagram vector for e-cigarette products among teens? Exposure to visual messages featuring e-cigarette products on social media is associated with increased usage among U.S. teens. Instagram is the most widely used social media to showcase e-cigarette products and where influencers - for example, bloggers, brand ambassadors - post promotional materials. Researchers from the Universities [...]

A new study confirms the relative effectiveness of the electronic cigarette in stopping smoking

The Department of Social and Preventive Medicine in Vienna, Austria, conducted a systematic review and meta-analysis of 13,950 publications on the effectiveness of electronic cigarettes in smoking cessation. The study also aimed to make a comparison with other means of withdrawal such as nicotine substitutes (gums, patches) and advice from a practitioner. Thus, some [...]

Gradually reduce the nicotine dose: the essential factor to stop smoking with the e-cigarette

A study conducted by Dr. Struik's team at UBC Okanagan University involved analyzing 1,228 public posts from 318 users on a Reddit forum titled "Quit Smoking." The information was categorized by method of quitting, reasons for quitting, and barriers and facilitators to quitting. Social media was chosen to collect the data because it is where [...]

Consumption of CBD without nicotine intake would reduce the attraction for tobacco

A study carried out by a British research team from the University of London and specialized in psychopharmacology, has set the objective of evaluating the effect of CBD (cannabidiol) on smoking cessation. The clinical study was carried out against placebo by including 30 dependent smokers under strict abstinence of nicotine, that is to say, [...]

Hardware trends in the UK: refillable devices still far ahead of pods and heated tobacco

A UK study examined trends in use of e-cigarette device types, heated tobacco products (HTP), and nicotine concentrations in e-liquids in England from 2016 to 2020. The data came from a repeated, representative cross-sectional survey of adults aged 16 years or older. The main findings were that among electronic cigarette users, 53.7% used tank [...]

Meta-analysis shows that smoking is clearly associated with the progression of Covid-19

A large meta-analysis study seems to confirm that smoking promotes the progression of Covid-19. In fact, since smoking significantly affects pulmonary immune function, it is a risk factor for contracting other infectious diseases with more serious consequences in infected individuals. A PubMed analysis of scientific articles dealing with the subject was carried out, focusing [...]

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